Further information about Health Kinesiology and Reiki is available from the links below:
This is the website of Health Kinesiology in the UK. The site contains information about the technique, including case studies, information about the origins of Health Kinesiology and a list of frequently asked questions. A collection of short videos about Health Kinesiology is available on YouTube.
International Health Kinesiology Site
This is Jimmy Scott’s, the founder of Health Kinesiology, website. His site has more information on Health Kinesiology and further case studies. There is also a useful allergy tap manual available for downloading from this site.
This is the web site of the UK’s Kinesiology Federation – the umbrella organisation that oversees all the different types of kinesiology practiced in UK.
Touch For Health is one of the foundation skills taught to all trainees in kinesiology. It teaches how to restore our natural energies using acupressure, touch and massage to improve postural balance. This site offers Touch For Health seminars, a catalogue of educational materials, self help and other Touch for Health techniques. You can also subscribe to the free newsletter.
This is the website of the International Reiki Federation.
Details of Reiki training in Devon.
* Kathryn Surridge, Kenton, Exeter, Devon, EX6 8LJ Email:, telephone 01626 891086, 07989 285621